Rhizophora stylosa Griff.
Tree, upto 12 m tall with many sympodial
Stembae supported by many branching stilt
Leaves 6 - 15 X 5 - 7 cm, broadly elliptic-oblong,
cariaceous, obtuse at apex, cuneate at base
Flowers in dichotomously branching axillary
cyme 8 - 16 in number, pedicellate
Peduncle 3 - 5 cm, 4 - 6 times forked
Calyx lobes 7 - 9 mm long
Petals yellowish, purple tinged at apices,
fleshy 6 - 7 mm long, densely hairy along the margins
Stamens 8, 4 episepalous, 4 epipetalous
Style 3 - 5 mm long, slightly forked
Hypocotyle 20 - 50 cm long, cylindrical,